Another high point of Cape Town so far was going to hear Archbishop Desmond Tutu speak at St. George's Catholic Church on a friday morning. After hearing that he would be leading the 7:15 mass (AM!) we decided to brave the dark, chilly morning to check it out. As we were sitting around the kitchen half-awake nursing our coffee before we set out, we saw the headline of the local newspaper announcing Tutu's retirement from public speaking. Apparently we were catching one of his last appearances.
The service at St. George's was pretty amazing. There were only about forty of us in the small, intimate sanctuary, and when we arrived Tutu had us all go around the room and introduce ourselves. The group included some incredible people, everyone from local missionaries to a writer who was en route to Johannesburg to deliver the Nelson Mandela address- an honor previously held by Tutu himself.
Erin with the day's newspaper |
Archbishop Desmond Tutu |
After the service, Tutu came over to greet us. He was unbelievably personable, even offering to take a picture with us. Later we all went to breakfast to rehash the experience, which was definitely one we will never forget.